How to get up after a fall

First of all, we recommend using wearable fall alarm systems that sound automatically instead of those that need a button to press as at times one may lose consciousnesses before/during/after a fall. If you don’t want to invest into one, carry your cell phone on you at all times so you can call to ask for help if needed.

You can try practicing the steps below with an able bodied friend to spot you before you fall.

If you fell assess yourself first. Are you able to move? Are you in pain? Do you think you can get up? Scan your environment, where is the nearest way for you to call for help (e.g. phone to call 911, window or door next to an open area with high chance of someone hearing you cry for help)?

If you can’t get up try to call for help from where you are. Attempt to gradually position yourself if possible next to a phone, window, door, etc… to ask for help.

If you think you can get up find a chair/armchair/ottoman closest to you. Roll your head, then shoulders/arms, then hips/legs onto your side in the desired direction. Reassess yourself and rest for 10 sec. Push your head and upper body up and rest for 10 sec. Slowly get onto your hands and knees and crawl towards the chair. Leverage on the chair to push yourself upwards onto it slowly. Rest for 10 sec. Call for help.

Again, prevention is best medicine. 9/10 older adults fall due to biomechanical reasons causing falls. Falls can be prevented. Our professionals are ready to help.