Steady Strides Physical Therapy Services in Baltimore.

The Steady Strides Physical Therapy (PT) program combines time-honored fall prevention and balance rehabilitation techniques with advanced specialty pain management, manual therapy and vestibular rehabilitation interventions tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients. Our collaborative approach involves close coordination with physicians and occupational therapists, ensuring multidimensional and goal-directed care for every Steady Strides patient.

NEW: We offer physical and occupational therapy services via videoconferencing and telephone, covered by insurance.

The American Physical Therapy Association advocates for the use of physical therapy in addressing balance deficits and preventing falls. Likewise, the Centers for Disease Control STEADI protocolfor fall prevention in the elderly emphasizes the importance of physician assessment for accurate diagnosis(es) and referral to physical therapy for targeted interventions.

At Steady Strides our collaboration with our physician department ensures accurate diagnosis and treatment of conditions contributing to balance deficits, impairing balance and increasing fall risk.

In addition to treatment of classic gait problems, we recognize the significance of managing conditions such as hip and knee pain to optimize outcomes for our patients.


Neuro-rehabilitation frequently targets chronic conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or spinal cord injury. At our facility, we address co-morbidities like spasticity (muscle tightness), muscle weakness, and impaired joint range of motion.

We pride ourselves on our approach that emphasizes a comprehensive strategy, incorporating modalities and manual therapy interventions as necessary.


At Steady Strides, we collaborate closely with our physician department to address a variety of pain conditions affecting the neck, lower back, knee, hip, shoulder, and wrist. Our expertise covers a spectrum of conditions including osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, radiculopathy, rotator cuff syndrome, subacromial impingement, and peripheral neuropathy.


At Steady Strides, we offer rehabilitation interventions for conditions causing vertigo, often described by patients as a 'room spinning sensation.' Vertigo can stem from central or peripheral causes.

Our close collaboration with the physician department ensures accurate diagnosis and comprehensive, goal-directed rehabilitation care. The American Physical Therapy Association recommends vestibular rehabilitation for addressing impairments and functional limitations associated with vestibular deficits.


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